Solo Lawyer Resource List

Here is a list of resources that have helped me immensely along the way…

How to Start and Build a Law Practice by Jay Foonberg @JayFoonberg

Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be by Carolyn Elefant @CarolynElefant

Solo by Choice The Companion Guide: 34 Questions That Could Transform Your Legal Career by Carolyn Elefant (I’m profiled in this one!), founded by Carolyn Elefant

Solo Practice University, founded by Susan Cartier Liebel @SCartierLiebel

Solosez: free e-mail listserv sponsored by the ABA for solo and small firm practitioners; also has a document repository (TIP: register with a Gmail account or other platform that organizes messages into conversations)

ABA National Solo and Small Firm Conference: They aren’t great about updating the website, but the next one is in Lexington, KY in late October 2013.

Feel free to add yours in the comments!